Friday, February 10, 2012

♥ Cardiovascular System ♥

Those are probably Seth's hands.
The cardiovascular system contains a lot of information for only one organ.  This section was a lot of fun.  My favorite part was, of course, the ♥Valentine's Day Heart Dissection♥.  Besides all the Malouff worthy puns available in a ♥V-Day Heart Dissection♥ the event also suited my sense of morbidity.  The point of the heart dissection was to get familiar with the parts of the heart and what it really looked like.  My group dissected a pig heart because it was the closest in size to a human heart.  Besides pigs there were cows and sheep to choose from.  We split our heart in half and took the measurements to get an idea of how different areas of the heart worked and sent blood through.

After the dissection we had a little heart quiz.  Which I aced.  A couple more labels would have given me 100% but my brain vacates on quizes.  I'd have had 19 if he'd have counted that 'Heart' label.  I count it.

If you really care you can click it for a larger image.
The pretty colors were added after the quiz.  The blue shows unoxygenated blood and the red lines show the path of the blood after it's been oxygenated.  In case my hand writing is impossible to read the labels are, in order of blood flow, Superior/inferior venacava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, capilaries, alveola, pulmonary vein, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta, and the septum is in the middle of all that.  That's seventeen, I also labeled one of the lungs and he counted that even though he didn't count heart. :3 Considering the frightening state of all my other science quizes I'd better not complain.

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